Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A blog for ongoing Group News

Welcome to the first entry on the New York HSP Group blog! The main reason the group now has a blog is that it is much easier to update a blog with group news about events and changes, than it is to add new pages to the web site. So you might want to bookmark this page, as well as the group page.

Of course, if you got here as a result of a google search, or a blog search... then a warm welcome to you!

This blog belongs to the New York HSP Group, which is an online discussion, support and peer group for highly sensitive people living in New York state. We have a web site, a discussion group (on YahooGroups) and this blog.

The group has two goals:

One is to provide an "HSP friendly" online space where New York HSPs can connect and discuss "all things HSP" with their peers.

The other is to be a central "contact point" for those who'd like to make friends and perhaps form support, activity or social groups in their local communities around the state.

What is a "Highly Sensitive Person?" It's a term from research psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron's 1996 book of the same name. If you want to learn more, may we suggest you look at some of the web sites listed under "HSP Friendly Web Sites." Or you can visit our own web site, which has a simplified explanation.

If you already know what an HSP is-- and you happen to live in New York (city OR state)-- why not join our group? It can be very rewarding and validating to interact with other HSPs.

Thanks for reading!

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